Here you'll find the latest events hosted by Typhoon Manga. The main page will be updated with what ever event is currently going on and which events may be next!
Current/Upcoming Event:
Albany Collections
Comicon Style Event
August 31st & September 1st 2024
Find Typha Scavenger Hunt!

Find all 5 Typha's hidden in the Albany Heritage Square Mall during the Albany Collections Comicon Style Event on Saturday August 31st and Sunday September 1st!
Follow Typhoon Manga on Social Media, tag us when you find Typha, and when you've found all 5, visit our booth to claim your FREE goodie bag!*
General Rules:
Due to the type of event it is, I am only able to make 30 goodie bags, so it'll be first come first serve~
All Typha locations will be in the COMMONS area. There will not be any instances where they are inside any of the malls stores. Please do not raid any stores looking for a Typha!
You must be following Typhoon Manga on any of the social medias available in order to claim your goodie bag.
When you find a Typha location, share a picture on Social media and tag Typhoon Manga! This'll be the way that we can see you've found all the Typha's~
Only one goodie bag per person/user will be given out due to it's limited availability.
Once the goodie bags are completely handed out and you've participated in the hunt, you can still swing by and grab a 10% off any Typhoon Manga purchase at the booth! (Available for the event only.)