March 2021 Update
Hello Everyone~
Welcome to this month's update Blog! I've been quite busy playing catch up, as that ice storm set me back quite a bit. If you are not aware of the newest Newsletter, the Event Pass for the Bridal Fashion Show is now live and available for purchase! With only 15 passes available, these are sure to go quick. The event will start on March 20th and last until April 3rd~
^Click on the picture to be re-directed to the purchase page^
One quick thing to note while I am on the topic of newsletters, if you unsubscribe please email me so I know that you wish to no longer receive emails. The Wix email system does not notify me of people unsubscribing, nor do they edit my email list after doing so, so I am often left in the dark as to who is subscribed and who is not. Periodically I will go through profiles to make sure the labels are correct, but more often than not, it doesn't update until much later. So please, if you can, try to shoot me an email once you unsubscribe so I can for sure take you off the list ♥
Project Manga is still chugging along with the release of Blood Maid Chapter 7 pages 1-10 now available for subscriber read on the Rotating Manga Library~ If you want to help future projects come to life while getting some awesome rewards, be sure to consider joining Project Manga!

That's about all I have for now~ I will update with another Blog as soon as the Bridal Fashion Show Event is live, so be sure to keep an eye on the look out for that, as it'll feature more in depth details!
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, and until next time-
Stay awesome!
Typhoon Manga