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Typhoon Manga January 2025 Monthly Blog

Writer's picture: Typhoon MangaTyphoon Manga

Updated: Jan 19

Hello everyone! It has been a long while since I last had time to do a monthly update. I want to thank everyone who has stuck around, wondering where these went! Things have been super busy and honestly, I am concerned that it will only get busier (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). The New Year has dawned upon us and with this has come some lofty goals that I am reaching for.

In case you haven't signed up for it yet, there is a Newsletter where the subscribers who are apart of it get early bird sneak peeks of what's to come within the month. It's free to sign up and you can get heads up on sales, events, product drops, and even occasional coupons! I am going to be aiming to send out a Newsletter once a month this year as one of my goals, so if you are interested in staying up to date with the latest events be sure to head on over and fill out the form! --> Newsletter Sign Up Page

While the Newsletter is condensed, the Monthly Blog will be a more detailed run-down of everything that'll be happening within the month. For this reason, they will go hand-in-hand going forward with keeping everyone up to date in the latest happenings of Typhoon Manga. First up on the agenda is this years goals, which as I mentioned before are lofty! I know that it will take quite a bit out of me and there will be times that I will fall behind, but that is all apart of the human experience and committing to the task at hand.


General Goals of the Business

Manga Publications

One of the main goals of the year is to finish Blood Maid Volume 2, which only needs 2 more chapters before it's completion. Chapter 9 is already drafted and part way sketched from the Kickstarter Campaign back in November 2024 which has given it a small boost for completion. Since this is a top priority goal to complete before 2025, I am expecting Blood Maid Volume 2 to be completed and published within the next couple months!

Among other publication goals, I am aiming to release three more chapter titles of manga between the Nightmare X Witch and Disaster on Kimii St. Series. These titles have proven to be a very popular pickup with their general age appeal in comic shows and many people have been asking when the next chapters and volume will be coming out. This goal may be a little harder to reach, but I am still striving for it none-the-less. I will also be releasing a new How to Draw Anime: Intermediate Guide to Greatness, which is a follow up book to my How to Draw Anime: Beginners Guide to Awesome with more in depth tutorials that will also have a tag-along video guide that can be purchased with it.

The year of 2024 was kind of a slow year in production in terms of publication, however it was quite big in terms of product mass. Throughout the year I introduced Pens, Pencils, Notebooks, Sketchbooks, Notepads, New Apparel, Mousepads, Mugs, Tumblers, Microfiber cloths, and lanyards to the shop, all with many different designs. While I still aim to keep the shop fresh and update designs periodically, the stock has grown to where I don't really need to build inventory as much. So this year I will be slowing down the addition of new types of products with a few periodic drops. These drops will mainly co-inside with in-person events such as conventions and craft fairs since that is where the majority of these items move, but if you are looking for new drops, there will definitely still be more coming in the future.

Regarding the shops, I have a lofty goal of re-designing the shop page and some of the website pages as a whole. It has been a while since I last updated the design of the website and I feel it is time to start giving it a fresh coat of paint with my updated artwork. Since this will take some time, the changes will not be reflected immediately. However, if you have any suggestions to make the shop page, or really any of the pages on more appealing and user friendly, I am 100% open to all the suggestions!

Another thing that will soon be getting a fresh shiny coat, is the email that I send things from! Right now, everything is being sent from my GMAIL, which is perfectly normal. However, in an effort to build up more professional business assets, I will be upgrading the email to a email in the very near future. So be sure to keep an eye out for that change and register me in your contacts!

Commission Based Goals of the Business

I know that a lot of my viewer base comes from my amazing commissioners and fans of said commissions. For that, I am so honored and grateful for all the support you've given to me over the last 9 years. One big goal I have for this year is to be consistent with events again, as I know I have fallen behind due to the pandemic, part-time job shenanigans, and general life chaos. So after 4 years of not making a calendar, I have made one for 2025! Those of you who are long-standing know that these are some of the most exciting events, but there are sometimes unexpected ones that pop up when you least expect it.

The Typhoon Manga 2025 Event Calendar is looking pretty awesome so far! Keep up to date with all the updates under the "Events" Tab.

As you can see, one of my big goals is to do a YCH Event once at least every two months, with the breaks being filled in with Slotted YCH's and Custom Commission Openings. While YCH Events are set in place, the Slotted YCH's are swayed by a poll system in which people who are signed up for the Commissioners Email List can vote and suggest different themes for future YCH's! (If you are a Commissioner who would like to sign up to vote you may comment or email us to inquire about being added to the list.)

There are also a couple new systems being implemented to hopefully make the commissioning process a little easier for you on your end. Recently, I found out that Google Forms was a thing and I have created a couple of new forms to stream-line some processes, one of which is the YCH form! So from now on, all YCH forms will be done through the designated Google Form so that things can stay organized and streamlined~

Another thing that I am implementing is a commissioner survey, which will soon be sent with each commission (YCH or custom). Within this, you will be asked a variety of questions regarding your commissioning experience that will help me further improve my process as well as give needed feed back. Then as a thank you for filling out the survey, everyone who completes and submits it will be entered into a monthly giveaway to win a $10 voucher towards any Typhoon Manga purchase! (It will be eligible to use towards commissions or store purchases.) This survey will be in it's beta stage as I want to see how well it'll be received, so it may or may not hold long term.

Now that my New Years' Goals are aired, I think it's time to get to January's happenings!


The Secretary YCH is Coming!

The Secretary YCH will feature 5 new poses and outfits to choose from, which will be added to the YCH Club's Pose Bank #5 collection!

Things are just getting started, as I am still prepping things for the motor to fire on all cylinders. That however, doesn't mean that January is going to be a quiet month. In the most recent Commissioners Poll, the Secretary was voted in as the next Slotted YCH, which will be releasing here in the next few days! I am aiming to get it released in the next few days, however it depends on how long the background takes me so bare with me on that~ This YCH will feature 5 new poses that'll fill out the last of the 5th pose bank (after which it'll be posted). There are some pretty cute outfits and poses coming that I am pretty excited to add to the pool of poses ♥ What do you think of the new preview?

Update: The Secretary YCH has been released! Click the button to check it out!

Collectible Card Booster Packs are NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER!

Set 2 of Typhoon Manga Collectibles will include artwork from the year's 2022-2024!
Official Pack Art for Set 2

You heard that right! As mentioned in the monthly Newsletter, the Collectible Card Booster Packs are now available for Pre-Order and will be releasing February 28th 2025! This set will feature the YCH's that have given permission to be printed within this set from the years 2023-2024 with the Typhoon Ball 2024 having it's own special set!

Each booster pack will come with 7 randomized collectible cards, one of which will be a guaranteed holographic card. Within this set you can collect both portrait cards and complete sequences in standard and holographic sets, making your collection something fun to complete and show off.

A complete set list will be released on the day the set is dropped, so that everyone can see what all there is to collect! While there is currently no way to purchase an individual card of your specific YCH from Typhoon Manga at the moment (due to the randomized nature of the packs), I encourage the community to get together to trade and have fun collecting~

Custom Commissions are Opening Back Up Soon!

Custom Commissions will be opening soon with updated pricing and example images! Check back in for a slot on January 20th 2025!

After a long quiet period, Custom Commissions are finally opening back up with some much needed updates to the placeholders and prices. On January 20th 2025, you can expect the Custom Commissions slots on Typhoon Manga to be open and ready to take on your ideas! While currently not up to date on the pricing, you can check out what I have to offer over on the Custom Commissions Pricing Page and start brainstorming what you would like to get! Do keep in mind that there are also collaboration opportunities available if you are wanting to sell your commissioned story!

Updates to Schedule

Since 2025 is chalking up to be a very busy year already, I have decided that it is time to implement the schedule again! By doing this, I am hoping to mitigate as much burn out as possible, minus getting sick as that is sometimes inevitable. Of course, the schedule may change throughout the year to fit various needs, but this will be the general course I follow through day-to-day life to try and get everything I need to finished in a timely manner:

  • Mondays & Fridays - Manga Work Days for Publications

    • These days are reserved for Typhoon Manga title publication works. This is in an effort to get chapters released to meet this years goals!

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays - Commission Work Days

    • These days will be reserved for Custom Commissions and YCH Commissions. During these days sketches and finishing work will be primary objectives.

  • Wednesdays & Saturdays - Misc Days

    • These days will be used for various purposes such as catch up or AFK activities that I need to handle. Whatever the mood feels for these days will implement them to! Saturdays are more likely to be streaming days just as an FYI. . .

  • Sundays - Days off

And with that I believe January 2025's Monthly Blog is a wrap! Thank you all so much for tuning in~ Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter to keep up to date on the latest happenings and turn on the notifications for posting drops and more! I hope you all have a wonderful start to the New Year and I will see you soon ;D

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