Manual Reward Point Redemptions
Have you been accumulating multiple Typhoon Manga rewards points and don't know what to do with them? There are now new rewards to redeem your points for! Below will show all the options you can redeem your hard earned points for. Each redemption is done for x1 pose voucher of the selected choice. These reward redemptions are done manually, meaning that Typhoon Manga goes in and deducts the points from your account personally. This does not show up on the main rewards list in the tab because the reward program currently does not support these type of rewards offered.
If used in a commission, it will not count in the pose count towards included deductions (example: You get 4+ poses to get 25% off a matching finish background, if you got 4 poses using the voucher it will only count as 3 poses purchased, meaning you would not get the 25% off the matching background unless you got a total of 5 poses for the sequence).
You also have the choice to upgrade to a higher tier finish by paying the difference in pricing. Example: You have a Full Color Shade x1 Pose Voucher and you want to upgrade it to Color Single Soft Shade, you take the difference from the pricing sheet ( $52 for Color Shade - $74 for Color Single Soft Shade = Difference of $22 will need to be paid) and pay to upgrade to that finish tier.
How do I check how many points I have?
Simply click the Star bubble in the corner of the page or the floating tab that says "Rewards Points". If you do not have an already registered account, you may register for one through there and start earning points!
Available Rewards
Bust Voucher Options:
Line Art: 5,400 pts
Color Flat: 7,200 pts
Color Shade: 10,500 pts
Full Body Voucher Options:
Line Art: 9,300 pts
Color Flat: 12,600 pts
Color Shade: 15,600 pts
Mini Chibi Voucher Options:
Color Flat: 7,200 pts
Color Shade: 9,600 pts
1/2 Body Voucher Options:
Line Art: 7,500 pts
Color Flat: 10,500 pts
Color Shade: 13,800 pts
Chibi Voucher Options:
Color Flat: 8,100 pts
Color Shade: 10,500 pts
Single Emote Voucher: 6,300 pts

Redeem your points
Fill out the form below to manually redeem your rewards points. Do keep in mind that if you do not have sufficent points in your account that you will not be able to redeem your points for said voucher. Allow for up to 5-7 business days for Typhoon Manga to respond and manually deduct your points from your account.